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Sofa for up to 3 seats – from BGN 70 to BGN 89.
Three-seater corner sofa with recliner – from BGN 90 to BGN 110
Four-seater corner sofa with couch – from BGN 110 to BGN 130
Six-seater P – shaped sofa with recliner – from BGN 140 to BGN 160
Modular sofas – BGN 170 (up to 5 separate modules)
Designer sofas – from BGN 170.
Washing of decorative pillows – BGN 3 / piece

*Designer Sofas – Non-standard size and shape, filled with goose down, linen or velvet sofas, silicone padding, solid wood construction.

*Modular Sofa – These pieces of furniture consist of separate modules. They can be used individually as chairs or beds, as well as combined into a complete composition.


1. Single mattress for a single bed

1.1. One-way – BGN 30

1.2. Two-sided – BGN 45

2. Double mattress for bedroom

2.1. One-way – BGN 50

2.2. Two-sided – BGN 80

3. Mattress for a baby bed – BGN 30

4. Bed frame (box spring) BGN 30

5. Headboard for a bed (flat) BGN 15

6. Headboard for bed (embossed) BGN 25


Washing chairs, armchairs, armchairs:

1. A chair without a backrest – BGN 6 – 8.

2. Chair with backrest – BGN 10-12.

3. Armchair type chair (with armrests and back) – BGN 16 – 20

4. Armchair – BGN 40.

5. Stool – BGN 10.


BGN 7.90/per sq.m. laundry on site.

Laundry option at our base – with free transport.

For more information, visit the services section – washing carpets and rugs or our specialized website for washing carpets


BGN 5.50/sq.m. up to 50 sq.m.

Over 50 sq.m. – price after inspection negotiable.

*The price also includes: all consumables, preparations and machines.

All prices are indicative. The final and exact price is determined after a FREE on-site inspection. It is calculated according to the degree of pollution and the complexity of implementation and size.



Call us at +359879888175 or +359879888174 to make your offer!

***All prices are without VAT

